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摘 要:1735 年杜赫德编著的法语版《中华帝国全志》在巴黎出版,其全景式地向欧洲推介了关于中国 历史、地理、哲学、医学、语言、文学等方面的内容,成为法国乃至西方认知中国的举世无双之作。但 著作中文本做了何种选择,译文做了何种处理等问题亦受到了学界的批评与质疑。本文以译介内容为主, 研究了《中华帝国全志》中对中国地理、历史、文化典籍、医学等方面的译介情况,并对其构建的中国 形象及在西方所产生的影响进行了解析。《中华帝国全志》既从好的方面也从坏的方面介绍了中国,是 集合了 27 位优秀传教士的旷世之作,著作在十八世纪欧洲所形成的“中国热”对当今传播中国文化提供了 重要的借鉴意义。


A study on the Translation and Influence of The General History of China in France

Abstract: The French edition of The General History of China written by Jean Baptiste du Halde was published in Paris in 1735, which made an overall introduction to Europe about China’s history, geography, philosophy, medicine, language and literature and so forth. This book became an unrivalled works not only in France but also in the West. However, it was criticized and questioned as to how texts in the book were chosen and how the translation work was completed and so on. Based on translation this article researches the translation of China’s geography, history, literary works and medicine in The General History of China. This article also analyzes the image of China created by the book as well as its influence in the West. The General History of China introduced China in both positive and negative aspects and it was the masterpiece of combined efforts of 27 missionaries. In the eighteenth century under the influence of this great book, Europe appeared in Sino mania, which could be used for reference to the spread of Chinese culture to the whole world at present.

Key words: The General History of China, translation, cultural diffusion