
P. 49


新冠肺炎期间,为了响应教育部发出的“停课不停教,停课不停学”的号召,各高校都开始线上教学。本文 以上海交通大学医学院临床医学八年制法文班为例阐述了疫情期间线上法语教学的组织以及优缺点。笔者 结合自己的教学实践认为线上法语教学只能是线下法语教学的有益补充。




During the period of COVID-19, in order to respond to the call of the Ministry of Education, “Stop clas- ses non-stop teaching, stop classes non-stop studying”, all colleges and universities started online teaching. This paper is based on the eight-year French class of clinical medicine in Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, which illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of online French teaching during the epidemic period. Combining with her own teaching practice, the author thinks that online French teaching can only be a beneficial supplement to offline French teaching.

Keywords: online French teaching, advantages and disadvantages, a beneficial sup- plement