
“直播教学”和“传统面授” 在外语类混合式教学中的效果对比研究


摘要: 研究者通过对疫情期间所授教学班课中以“直播教学”为主的混合式教学的研究,对⽐之前课中采⽤“传统 ⾯授”的混合式教学模式,采⽤问卷调查、学⽣访谈、成绩对⽐等⽅法,得出结论:直播教学和传统⾯授 相⽐,在混合式教学中,达到了“实质等效”的效果,甚⾄在某些⽅⾯超过“传授⾯授”模式。“直播教学”对 疫情常态化背景下的外语类混合式教学提供了启⽰和借鉴
关键词: 直播教学,混合式教学,法语⼆外
Abstract: By comparing the traditional face-to-face blended learning mode used in previous classes, the researchers conducted the research on the “live streaming class” during the epidemic period. They used questionnaire surveys, student interviews, and performance comparison to draw the following conclusions: Compared with traditional face-to-face instruction, “live streaming class” has achieved the effect of “equivalent effect” in blended learning, and even surpasses the face-to-face instruction in some aspects. “Live streaming class” provides a reference for blended learning of foreign languages in the context of the normalization of the epidemic.
KEYWORDS: live streaming class, blended learning, French teaching as second language
专题: 法国文学;法语教学;外国语言研究;外国文学研究