
基础法语阶段口语教学策略 --以上海交通大学医学院临床医学八年制法文班为例


摘要: 语⾔学习的最终⽬的是交流和交际。经济全球化和⼀体化对外语专业⼈才的语⾔交际能⼒提出了更⾼的要 求。在跨⽂化交际中,要达成理想的交际⽬标,⼜语表达能⼒⾄关重要。本⽂以上海交通⼤学医学院临床 医学⼋年制法⽂班为例,阐述了基础法语阶段提⾼⼜语表达能⼒的前提和基础并总结了⾏之有效的⽅法。
关键词: 交流和交际,⼜语表达能⼒,前提和基础,策略
Abstract: The ultimate goal of language learning is communication and interaction. Economic globalization and integration put forward higher requirements for foreign language professionals’ communicative competence. In cross-cultural communication, oral expression ability is very important to achieve the ideal communicative goal. This paper is based on the eight-year French class of clinical medicine in Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, which illustrates the prerequisite and foundation of improving oral expression ability in the basic French stage and summarizes the effective methods.
KEYWORDS: communication and interaction, oral expression ability, prerequisite and foundation, strategy
专题: 法国文学;法语教学;外国语言研究;外国文学研究